It may not seem like much, but what a difference it would make if we just paid a little more attention to the words we use to describe people when we speak to, or are speaking about, them...
Sure, we notice appearances first. Fine, but don't let that dominate the conversation.
If someone describes a female you know and comments on their looks, make sure to add something positive that is not related to that, especially if it's a young lady. We need a society that values woman beyond just being a visual for consumption. They need to know they can use their mind to define themselves and not just their measurements.
The same is true for males. Just because a guy is tall or large doesn't make him an athlete. Make sure to add something positive that is not related to that, especially if it's a young man. He needs to know that he can use his mind to define himself and not just his muscles.
Descriptions set the tone for how people feel about themselves, especially young people. It creates a starting point for their self-image and self-worth.
Let's make their identities as strong as possible and give them them a vision of themselves that derives from deep down and not the surface.
Our society's future depends on it.
"Think More : Care More : LIVE More" - It's about a life full of awareness, kindness, and action!
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